Sunday, August 31, 2014

Jung Typology Test Reflection

Hello, all! I just finished taking the Jung Typology test, and I must say, it is completely accurate. Here were my results:
56% Extoavert
38% INtuitive
12% Feeling
1% Judgement
The thing I agree with most about this test would have to be the fact that I prefer extroversion over introversion. I have always preferred large groups of people over small, intimate groups of people. This may indicate why I am comfortable being on a stage in front of hundreds of people. Since I am an outgoing person, I think this also reflects in my writing. I've never had a problem with being 'afraid' to write, or show my writing to other people. I think this will help me be more creative and bold with my writing this course. However, one thing that I slightly disagree with is this 'Feeling over Thinking' nonsense. I can be quite an emotional person sometimes, don't get me wrong, but I always try to think of a rational solution to every problem.  Overall this was a very fun experiment!